Nationwide Medallist of the Year 2022 Freestyle and Rock ‘n’ Roll Finals – Results

Nationwide Medallist of the Year 2022
Freestyle and Rock ‘n’ Roll Finals
Empress Ballroom, Winter Gardens, Blackpool, November 2022

Congratulations to all our finalists who attended the 29th IDTA Nationwide Medallist of the Year, Freestyle and Rock ‘n’ Roll Finals in the Empress Ballroom of the Winter Gardens, Blackpool on 12th and 13th November 2022.

The President and the Board of Directors of the Association would like to record their thanks to the Nationwide Committee and the Area Committees which have been involved in the organization and particularly to the teachers who have coached the finalists and to the parents and finalists who supported the event.

In addition we would like to give a very big thank you to those who are assisting in the running of the event and to the panels of adjudicators and scrutineer who work very hard.

The adjudicators;

Saturday:   Bryan Thomson, Jill Kemp, Sophie Eaton-Lees, Michael Sandham, James Montgomery, Lesley Dodd, Marie Sandham  

Sunday:      Bryan Thomson, Jill Kemp, Sophie Eaton-Lees, Michael Sandham, James Montgomery, Lesley Dodd, Sarah Bamford

The Scrutineer:  Andrew Pickup and the marshal Peter Coleman. The compère, Nationwide Committee, and the official photographer Tom Goundry.

All photographs by Tom Goundry
Tel: 01388 77 76 55



3-5 years inc – Rosette Freestyle

Daisy Milbanke  NE

6-8 years inc – Rosette Freestyle

Oscar Maher NE

6-10 years inc – Stardance Solo

Evie Manion NW

9 years and under inc – Freestyle Solo

Isabelle Trigg MID

10-12 Freestyle Solo

Elodie Shen NE

13-15 years – Freestyle Solo

Jessica McLean TT

16-18 Years inc Freestyle Solo

Kennady Pickles NE

19-25 years inc – Freestyle Solo

Jade Pulley NE

26 and above Freestyle Solo

Tracey Lowthorpe   NE

Dancers with Additional Needs  Freestyle – under 16 years

Orin Clarke MID

Dancers with Additional Needs  Freestyle – over 16 years

Grace Evans MID

6 years and under Freestyle Pairs

Lylah Carradus/Eden Simpson Noone NW

7 to 9 years inc – Freestyle Pairs

Oscar Maher/Rainey Jepson NE

10-12 inc Girl/Girl – Freestyle Pairs

Tegan Nevill/Phoebe Greig  ANG

10-12 inc Boy/Girl – Freestyle Pairs

Liliana Arnone/Jack Buckley DoranNW

13-15 years inc Girl/Girl – Freestyle Pairs

Neve Wood/Maiah Fraser NE

13-15 years inc Boy/Girl – Freestyle Pairs

Paige McDermid/Sam Gardner SE

16-18 years Lady/Lady – Freestyle Pairs

Kitty Butler/Lia Armstrong SE

16-18 years Man/Lady –  Freestyle Pairs

Poppy Clayton/Ben Summers SE

19-25 years Freestyle Pairs

Jade Pulley/Libby Helmsley NE

26 years  and over – Freestyle Pairs

Charlotte Lowthorpe/Tracey Lowthorpe NE

3-5 years inc – Rosette RnR

Lucy Mae Sunman  NE

6-8 years inc – Rosette RnR

Oscar Maher NE

6-10 years inc – Stardance RnR

Ayla Pickering SE

9 years and under  inc – Rock ‘n’ Roll

Florence Barrow/Iris Berry SE

10-12 years inc Girl/Girl – Rock ‘n’ Roll

Amber Armstrong/Nora Stromme SE

10-12 years inc Boy/Girl – Rock ‘n’ Roll

Poppy Haycox/Luke Glassock SE

13 -15 years inc Girl/Girl – Rock n Roll 

Caia Stockdale/Laura Summerfield SE

13 -15 years inc Boy/Girl – Rock ‘n’ Roll 

Katie Odds/Pedro Gieseke  SE

16-18 years inc Lady/Lady – Rock ‘n’ Roll

Mollie Kate Searcy/Ashleigh Parkin NE

16-18 years inc Man/Lady – Rock ‘n’ Roll

Poppy Clayton/Ben Summers SE

19-25 years inc Lady/Lady – Rock ‘n’ Roll

Chloe Peacock/Caitlin Oakes MID

26-35 years inc – Rock ‘n’ Roll

Tracey Lowthorpe/Charlotte Lowthorpe  NE

36 and over inc – Rock ‘n’ Roll 

Helen Driscoll/Angie Wilson   NE

Dancers with Additional Needs  Rock n Roll – under 16 years

Orin Clarke MID

Dancers with Additional Needs  Rock n Roll – over 16 years

Billy Munton NE

6 years and under Slow Dance

Ivy Woods NE

7- 9 years inc – Slowdance

Ana Macfarlane NE

10-12 years inc Slowdance

Bella Robson NE

13-15 years inc – Slowdance

Abbie Kipps MID

16-18 years inc – Slowdance

Verity Rowan NE

19-25 years inc – Slowdance

Hannah May MID

26 years and above – Slowdance

Harriet Lowther SE

Dancers with Additional Needs Slow – under 16 years

Kiana Sudlow SE

Dancers with Additional Needs Slow – over 16 years

Jade Bottomley NE

9 years and under Teams

Razzle Dazzle NW

13 years and under inc – Teams

Symphony SE

14-17 years inc – Teams

Unidentified SW

18-25 years inc – Teams

Fearless MID

26-35 years inc – Teams

Impact MID

36 years and above – Teams

Bad Formation SW   

 Mixed Teams

Base NW







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