Dance Teachers’ Understanding of Self-Harm in Dance Students

What is the research about?

We are recruiting dance teachers between the ages of 18 and 65 who have experience in teaching dance students between the ages of 13 and 24 in private dance schools in the United Kingdom in the last 5 years.

The research is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and is taking place at the University of Birmingham in collaboration with One Dance UK and the National Institute of Dance Medicine and Science.

How will taking part benefit me and my dance students?

All participants will be given a £20 Amazon gift voucher and can request a summary of the research findings once the study has been completed. The findings will be used to develop new dance resources and learning materials on mental health and self-harm for dance teachers and students, with the future aim to inform practice and policy within dance.

What will participation involve?

If you decide to take part in the study, you will be asked to fill in a short online questionnaire before an online one-to-one interview which will last no more than 1 hour. You will have the opportunity to reflect on and share your thoughts around self-harm and discussing your views on what, if any, forms of support dance teachers need to understand and respond to self-harm in dance students.

For more information or to take part, please contact Maria Kolitsida at

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