IDTA Directors 2023-2024

Seated left to right: Lynda King, Anna Henrich-Jones, Lynn Armsby, Linda Cook (Immediate Past President), Yvonne Saunders (President), Joanne Kirkland (President Elect), Barbara Sharples, Wendy Heywood, Denise Skinner.
Standing left to right: Darren Kelly, Loraine Hastings, Bryan Thomson, Dallas Chapman, Michael Sandham (Financial Director), Vanessa Hooper, Philip Diment, Dawn Parker and Phil Winston. Not pictured Colin Donaldson.


At the IDTA AGM meeting held on Monday 3rd July 2023 the newly elected Board of Directors were chosen for the coming period 2023 – 2024. The Board of Directors now comprises of:


Yvonne Saunders, President

Joanne Kirkland, President-Elect

Linda Cook, Immediate Past President

Michael Sandham, Financial Director


Lynn Armsby

Dallas Chapman

Philip Diment

Colin Donaldson

Loraine Hastings

Anna Henrich-Jones

Wendy Heywood

Vanessa Hooper

Darren Kelly

Lynda King

Dawn Parker

Barbara Sharples

Denise Skinner

Bryan Thomson

Phil Winston


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