Acrobatic Dance Grade 3 – 5 DVD Digital Download

The IDTA is pleased to announce the availability of the new Acrobatic Dance Grade 3 – 5 DVD Digital Download from the IDTA webshop. 


Acrobatic Dance Grade 3 – 5 DVD Digital Download:


We are expecting to have stock of the physical copies of the DVD by the end of the week and will notify members as soon as they become available to purchase.


To compliment the new release of the Grade 3 – 5 DVD, you can also purchase the Acrobatic Dance Grade 3 – 5 audio CD (in both physical and digital formats) and the accompanying syllabus notes.


Acrobatic Dance Grade 3 – 5 CD:


Acrobatic Dance Grade 3 – 5 CD Digital Download:


Acrobatic Dance Grade 3 – 5 Syllabus Notes:


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