Sequence dance scripts

Sequence dance scripts

Sequence Dance Scripts for the Associate and Licentiate examinations are available from the IDTA shop and are sold as part of the following two publications:

P242 Guide to the Theory and Technique of Classical Sequence Dancing, including the charted dances for the Associate examinations for each dance teaching association. i.e. Waltz, Royal Empress Tango, Veleta, Flyde Waltz, Premier Two Step, Boston Two Step, Britannia Saunter, Wedgewood Blue Gavotte, Saunter Revé.

P236 Charted Dances for Licentiate examinations, including the dances used by each dance teaching association. i.e. La Mascotte, Liberty Two Step, Midnight Tango, Regis Waltz, Tango Magenta, Gainsborough Glide, Waverley Two Step.

We are unable to sell these scripts individually. Scripts of some dances are obtainable from:

British Dance Council
Terpsichore House
240 Merton Road
South Wimbledon
SW19 1EQ
T: 020 8545 0085

Letter services and some scripts may be obtained from:

Brockbank Lane Sequence Script Service
PO Box 746
OX16 6NY
T: 01228 527 983

North Star Publishers
P.O. Box 199
West Yorks
LS29 0WS
T: 01943 430 035

The IDTA Shop also stocks a small number of scripts.

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