Nationwide Medallist of the Year 2024 – Ballroom & Latin Results

Ballroom & Latin Finals

Empress Ballroom, Winter Gardens, Blackpool, April 2024

Congratulations to all our finalists who attended the 42nd IDTA Nationwide Medallist of the Year, Ballroom & Latin Finals in the Empress Ballroom of the Winter Gardens, Blackpool on 13th & 14th  April 2024.

The President and the Board of Directors of the Association would like to record their thanks to the Nationwide Committee and the Area Committees which have been involved in the organization and particularly to the teachers who have coached the finalists and to the parents and finalists who supported the event.

In addition we would like to give a very big thank you to those who are assisting in the running of the event and to the panels of adjudicators and scrutineer who work very hard. The adjudicators; Saturday: Dallas Chapman, Gary Foster, Diane Haywood, Darren Jones, Anita Spiers, Duncan Trever, Mark Webb

Sunday: Sarah Bamford, Dallas Chapman, Gary Foster, Darren Jones, Anita Spiers, Duncan Trever, Mark Webb

The scrutineer, Andrew Pickup and the Marshalls. The compère, Bryan Thomson, the DJ Liz Young and the official photographer Tom Goundry.

All photographs by Tom Goundry

Tel: 01388 77 76 55


Category Name
3-5 years Rosette Girl Kayla Kaczmarek
3-5 years Rosette Boy Oliver Brown
6-8 years Rosette Girl Sofia Kimmins
6-8 years Rosette Boy Teddy Wood
12 years & under Latin Girl/Girl Sum Hei Chan
12 years & under Latin Girl/Boy Sophia Dell
12 years & under Latin Boy Daniel Sabin
13-15 years Latin Girl/Girl Wallis Grassam
13-15 years Latin Girl/Boy Francesca Gordon
13-15 years Latin Boy Lucas Long
16-21 years Ballroom Lady/Lady Ruby McGowan
16-21 years Ballroom Lady/Man Jessica Edwards
16-21 years Ballroom Man William Rogers
22-35 years Ballroom Lady/Lady Charlotte Wild
22-35 years Ballroom Lady/Man Harriet Adamson
22-35 years Ballroom Man Bradley Taylor
36-49 years Ballroom Lady Kelly Lee
36-49 years Ballroom Man Lee Donnelly
50-59 years Ballroom Lady Charlotte Watson
50-59 years Ballroom Man Colin Hassall
60 years and above Ballroom Lady Sheridan Charles
60 years and above Ballroom Man David Pullinger
Dancers with Additional Needs Under 16 Eva Mae Ward
Dancers with Additional Needs 16-24 years Lucy Borythwick
Dancers with Additional Needs 25 years & Over Paul McKie
6-10 years Stardance Girl Aliana Bennett
6-10 years Stardance Boy Zachariasz Garrey
12 years & under Ballroom Girl/Girl Isla Boddy
12 years & under Ballroom Girl/Boy Zara Bennett
12 years & under Ballroom Boy Oliver Walsh
13-15 years Ballroom Girl/Girl Mia Ava Wright
13-15 years Ballroom Girl/Boy Darcey Brickwood
13–15 years Ballroom Boy Lucas Long
16-21 years Latin Lady/Lady Jessica Edwards
16-21 years Latin Lady/Man Amelia Aram
16-21 years Latin Man William Rogers
22-35 years Latin Lady/Lady Amy Rogers
22-35 years Latin Lady/Man Harriet Adamson
22-35 years Latin Man Bradley Taylor
36-49 years Latin Lady Kelly Lee
36-49 years Latin Man Lee Donnelly
50-59 years Latin Lady Clare West
50-59 years Latin Man Colin Hassall
60 years & above Latin Lady Debbie Holden
60 years & above Latin Man Paul Brolly



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